How to Build a Website In 10 Simple Steps

Building a website is an exciting process that can be done in as little as 10 steps. A web agency, freelancer, and/or web designer would need to first collect the necessary information about their company and what they want their site to do. From there, one will need to decide on a theme or template for the website. Lastly, they’ll need to make sure it’s mobile-friendly and viewable on all devices (from desktop computers to laptops). Now that you have some general knowledge about website building, let’s walk through the 10 simple steps to actually creating your website. 1. Collect information about your company and what you want your site to do. This can include things like what services or products you offer, what your company values are, and who your target audience is. 2. Decide on a theme or template for your website. A web agency, freelancer, and/or web designer would need to do this in order to make the process run more smoothly. 3. Find a domain name that is relevant to what you...